YouTube video

How to Make YouTube Videos – The Best Tips

Making YouTube videos; something that sounds easy, but in practice can be quite difficult. Yet YouTube is full of fun, funny, interesting and cool videos. So you can learn this too! In this blog we explain how to make a good YouTube video and when it is a good idea to have someone else make it.

Different types of cameras

Cameras are a very important part when you use your own footage to make YouTube videos. Since this is the first thing you need to arrange when you want to make good YouTube videos, we have put together a handy overview of the pros and cons of different types of cameras.

  • Your phone’s camera: Since you won’t easily forget your phone and can easily take it with you everywhere, this is very useful for small vlogs or other short recordings. The quality, however, depends on the type of phone you have, and you often have to take storage into account.
  • A webcam: this camera is ideal for game videos or podcast recordings, where you are the center of attention. The quality is also not good enough for this.
  • A professional camera: this is ideal if you want to make high quality videos, such as documentaries or nature videos. The disadvantage is the price and that it is not very convenient to take this heavy camera everywhere.
  • Screen recordings: Do you want to put instructional videos on YouTube that clearly explain how to do something or get somewhere? Then a screen recording works fine.
  • Drone: are you planning to make mainly nature videos or videos of certain houses, cities or monuments? Then a drone is an absolute must. These devices are very expensive, and you are not allowed to fly everywhere.

When choosing your camera, pay particular attention to the type of content you want to create and look closely at your budget.

Making Viral YouTube Videos

Now that you know what type of camera is best for your videos, it’s time to jump deeper into the video itself. In the following things we will explain how to make good YouTube videos and what you should pay notice to. You have also chance to buy YouTube subscribers from SmmStore and get more attention toward your video.

A good introduction

80% of YouTube viewers click away from a video after just 1 minute. To create a good introduction yourself, you need to pay attention to several points.

First of all, you should open the video directly with a disgusting fact, mysterious question, or a funny moment further from the video. Is your video about the most beautiful houses in the Netherlands? Then you can open your video with the sentence “You will never guess how much this house cost”, while showing a picture of a super large villa. This way you make the viewer curious, and they will definitely want to continue watching the video.

After you have captured the viewer’s attention directly, it is good to briefly mention what they will see in this video or what you are going to do. This way you immediately let the viewer know what to expect in your video, and they can look forward to something you might show or do later in the video.

Finally, it is absolutely NOT the intention to ask for likes or to subscribe in the first minute. Many viewers find this annoying, and in addition, they cannot judge within 1 minute whether they like the video enough. It is better to postpone this until halfway through the video.

Do you have a compelling storyline?

A good introduction doesn’t stop there, the entire storyline in the video has to be right. A good video has a clear beginning, middle and end and keeps the viewer focused throughout the story. Keep the viewer’s attention all the time by emphasizing exciting sentences or impressive facts in the story.

Some examples of attention-grabbing sentences:

  • Because what you’re about to see is truly incredible!
  • But it didn’t stop there…
  • I can’t wait to show you number 5 in this video
  • Be sure to watch this video until the end, because…

There are several good videos on YouTube (often in English) showing what a good storyline looks like in a video. Definitely take the time to study these, because a good storyline ultimately also ensures a longer watch time.

Good sound quality

In addition to quality images, sound is of course also super important for your YouTube video. Videos are a moment of relaxation for many users, that is not possible if they only have to listen to annoying background noises and crackling.

There are currently many good microphones available for different purposes. Are you a gamer? Then you can use a fixed microphone. Do you make fitness videos or are you often on the road? Then you should look for a portable microphone.

The power of eye contact

A common mistake among beginning YouTubers is that they often look at themselves, instead of the camera. A shame, because this way you build a less close bond with your viewers.

By looking straight into the camera, the viewer feels more addressed, as if they are really talking to you. Are you using a professional camera? Then you can easily prevent this by turning the screen on which you can see yourself (after setting it up correctly).

Professional editing

Good editing makes the difference between a great video and a great one and can set your videos apart from the competition. Editing explained in short is the post-editing of the recorded images. You do this by means of an editing software such as Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro.

When editing, it is not only important to consider the structure of the video and that the images flow into each other well, but also to consider special effects. By adding these special effects, you ensure that your video is made even more exciting or extreme, and that you put your own stamp on the video.

Nowadays there is so much possible with editing. Step outside your comfort zone and make your video completely your own. In fact, you should make sure that viewers already know which channel the video is from, just by editing.

Making a YouTube video: should you or shouldn’t you?

Are you not so handy with computers and editing software and are you hesitating to have your YouTube video made, instead of putting in a lot of effort yourself? Then there are a few things you should take into account.

When you need help with personal videos (for example vlogs or cooking videos). You will first have to collect all the raw footage of your recordings yourself and then send it to an editor. This editor will then make sure that your images are made into one beautiful whole. Make sure that you choose an editor that you can trust and that delivers professional work, the last thing you want is that you cannot upload a video because your editor is always late.

Do you want to have business YouTube videos made, for example for your company? Then you can also choose to hire an entire production team. Then both camera equipment and microphones are provided and the images are also edited afterwards. Of course, this costs more than just hiring an editor.

Cash Cow YouTube videos made

When outsourcing cash cow videos, you don’t have to do much yourself. Because you don’t show a face here, but use stock footage, you can look for a freelance copywriter, editor and voiceover that will make your entire video. The only thing you have to do yourself is provide a subject, check the freelancers and finally upload the video yourself with a good title and the right settings. You could even hire a thumbnail artist if you want.

Here too, you run the risk of delays if one of your freelancers does not carry out the assignment, carries out the assignment too late or does not carry out the assignment well enough.

Whether you choose to make your own viral YouTube videos or outsource it, both methods only work well if you put enough time and energy into it. You can’t create a successful YouTube channel in two weeks; you have to build it up.